Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Rails 5.0.0.beta4 (April 27, 2016)

Rails 5.0.0.beta4 (April 27, 2016)

  • Disallow calling #deliver_later 
    in the wake of making neighborhood adjustments to the message which would be lost when the conveyance job is enqueued.

    Prevents a common, hard-to-find bug like:
    message = Notifier.welcome(user, foo)
    message.message_id = my_generated_message_id
    The message_id is silently lost! Only the mailer arguments are passed to the delivery job.
    This raises an exemption now. Make alterations to the message inside the mailer method  rather, or utilize a custom Active Job to manage delivery instead of utilizing

    Jeremy Daer
  • Removes -t from default Sendmail arguments to match the underlying Mail::Sendmail setting.
    Clayton Liggitt

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Rails 5.0 RC 1 is out

New Stuff

I am back again guys ,i will keep my postings m thanks for visiting .

Permit getting to all partners at the controller level 

With this aide intermediary, clients can reuse assistants in the controller without including every one of the modules identified with perspective setting.

Add ActiveModel::RangeError

When provided with large numbers, Active Model now fails with a newActiveModel::RangeError that makes it easier to rescue from, and inherits from RangeError to maintain backward compatibility.


Guarantee similarity between Rails Session and Rack Session 

Rails session is presently good with other Rack frameworks like Sinatra that are mounted in Rails. They can likewise utilize session tooling of Rails with no issues now.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Image uploading is easy in ruby on rails by using attachment_fu plugin

To install attachment_fu
ruby script/plugin install http://svn.techno-weenie.net/projects/plugins/attachment_fu/

Then u need to design table in migration like

here we will take user images
class CreateUserImages < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table "user_images",:force => true do |t|
t.column "user_id", :integer
t.column "primary", :boolean
t.column "created_at", :datetime

# Required attributes for attachment_fu plugin
t.column "filename", :string, :limit => 255
t.column "path", :string, :limit => 255
t.column "content_type", :string
t.column "size", :integer
t.column "width", :integer
t.column "height", :integer
t.column "parent_id", :integer
t.column "thumbnail", :string

def self.down
drop_table :user_images

In model we need to customize validations

class UserImage < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user

has_attachment :content_type => :image,
:storage => :file_system,
:path_prefix => 'public/website',
:size => 1.kilobyte..5.megabytes,
:resize_to => '279x116',
:thumbnails => {:thumb => '100x100>' }
validates_uniqueness_of :filename

def full_filename(thumbnail = nil)
file_system_path = (thumbnail ? thumbnail_class : self).attachment_options[:path_prefix].to_s
File.join(RAILS_ROOT, file_system_path, thumbnail_name_for(thumbnail))

And in User model

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :user_images

def primary_image

Here in controller only to display and create

class UserImagesController < ApplicationController
def new
@image = UserImage.new
respond_to do |format|

def create
# Required for Windows machines. Uncomment if you using Windows
# sleep(1)
user_data = {:user => current_user, :primary => current_user.images.empty? }

@image = UserImage.new(params[:image].merge(user_data))

respond_to do |format|
if @image.save
flash[:success] = "image successfully uploaded"
format.html { redirect_to(edit_user_path(current_user)) }
format.html { render :action => "new" }

And in new.rhtml

Current Primary Photo

<% if(@current_user.image.nil?) %>
<%= image_tag("default.png") %>
<% else %>
<%= image_tag(@current_user.primary_image.public_filename(:medium)) %>
<% end %>

Upload a new photo

<%= error_messages_for :image %>

<% form_for(:image, :url => user_images_path,
:html => { :multipart => true }) do |f| %>

Select a photo to upload

Photo: <%= f.file_field 'uploaded_data' %>
<%= submit_tag 'Upload Photo' %>
<% end %>

Follow the steps
Rake db:migrate
Then Script/server

If u want ur own validation to image then here are some key points
has_attachment(options = {})

* :size
o Range of sizes allowed.
o (1..1.megabyte) is the default. This overrides the :min_size and :max_size

* :resize_to
o Used by RMagick to resize images.
o Pass either an array of width/height, or a geometry string.

* :thumbnails
o Specifies a set of thumbnails to generate.
o This accepts a hash of filename suffixes and RMagick resizing options.
o This option need only be included if you want thumbnailing.
o :thumbnail_class
o Set which model class to use for thumbnails.o This current attachment class is used by default.

* :path_prefix
o path to store the uploaded files.
o path to store the uploaded files.
o Uses public/#{table_name} by default for the filesystem, and just #{table_name} for the S3 backend.
o Setting this sets the :storage to :file_system.

* :storage
o Specifies the storage system to use.
o Defaults to :db_file. Options are :file_system, :db_file, and :s3.

* :processor
o Sets the image processor to use for resizing of the attached image.
o Options include ImageScience, Rmagick, and MiniMagick. Default is whatever is installed.

* :content_type
o Allowed content types.
o Allows all by default. Use :image to allow all standard image types.

* :min_size
o Minimum size allowed.
o 1 byte is the default.

* :max_size
o Maximum size allowed.
o 1.megabyte is the default.

Reference link is: http://www.jumbabox.com/2008/06/attachment_fu-tutorial/

File upload in rails

Follow the steps
Go to terminal and type
rails upload
cd upload
mkdir upload\public\data
ruby script/generate model DataFile

Then in data_file.rb
class DataFile < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.save(upload)
name = upload['datafile'].original_filename
directory = "public/data"
# create the file path
path = File.join(directory, name)
# write the file
File.open(path, "wb") { |f| f.write(upload['datafile'].read) }

Then again in terminal
ruby script/generate controller Upload

class UploadController < ApplicationController
def index
render :file => 'app\views\upload\uploadfile.rhtml'
def uploadFile
post = DataFile.save(params[:upload])
render :text => "File has been uploaded successfully"


File Upload

<%= start_form_tag ({:action => 'uploadFile'},
:multipart => true) %>

<%= file_field 'upload', 'datafile' %>

<%= submit_tag "Upload" %>
<%= end_form_tag %>

Reference link:http://www.tutorialspoint.com/ruby-on-rails/rails-file-uploading.htm

Friday, October 17, 2008

Solution For "rewrite" error

If you get this error, and the error message is pointing you to a “link_to” call or something similar, then you may be using an instance variable that’s called ‘@url’ too.

I finally discovered that, in my case, I was using ‘@url’ in the controller for the view where I was making the ‘link_to’ call.

Long story short, if you see this error, comb through your code (models, controllers and views) for any variables that are called ‘@url’ and change them.


We should not use "url" word as controller name,model name,action name,attribute name ..
Apparently you can’t use “Class” as a class in Java either.

Yep, same as ‘private’, ‘public’, etc. With the slight difference that these are keywords at the language as oposed to framework level.

Then simply replace url word with other..

Friday, August 1, 2008

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is an open source web application framework for the Ruby programming language. It is often referred to as 'Rails' or 'RoR'. It is intended to be used with the Agile development methodology, which is often utilized by web developers for its suitability for short, client-driven projects.